Holistic Coaching

  Basic:  Orientation  
  In the basic coaching sessions we work out a holistic overview of the situation that you have chosen to work on. Be it in private life or in business: With the help of techniques from the Training of Mental Powers* we the intellectual analysis is rounded of by aspects from the subconscious including largely all components and persons involved.

In the end there will be the vision of a clear goal, a new way of living and/or of new ways of making business.

*A Holistic Balancing mental training is no necessary requirement for the coaching units. Insights into what can be achieved with a ''Training of Mental Powers'' are positive side-effects.
  Advanced:  Coaching  

Starting from your vision vision and your goal you now get onto your respective path(s). Also in mental fields you advance by yourself, but I will accompany and support you where required. The crucial thing is: From  a holistic point of view you do not find your path; your path finds you! By going through and experiencing the inner processes along that path, you prepare the ground for corresponding processes in the outside reality. Obstacles can be overcome by mentally uncovering their meaning and inherent potential.

Furthermore you experience the simplicity of mental creation of new potentials and results, which can hardly be achieved by intellectual efforts.

There is a difference between the perceiving feeling and self-created emotions. Here you can lea to distinguish feeling and emotion and to perceive yourself and your environment with the utmost neutrality. Your neutral sense of perception is, actually, the decisive factor. For the beginner, this is an accompanying objective during the coaching process. For the advanced, it is the basis for real quantum leaps in the way of experiencing private and business life.

From practical experience to practical use:
Possible subjects for personal coaching

"Customer Proximity − Holistic Accesses"
Intuitive Accesses to auf effects and efficiencies of various ways of initiating, cultivating and intensifying of contacts to customers. Check-up of measures taken so far with regard to their short-term and long-term efficieny. Holistic perception of consistent alternatives − for both you/your comany and the customers.

"Reaching Effective Prices"
Impulses for approaches and strategies to finding convincing prices: 'Value', 'self-worth' and 'market value'. 'Charisma' and 'attraction' of the service provider and/or the product. 'Self-perception', or 'internal perception' respectively, and 'external perecption' as obstacles and as useful advisors.
In cooperation with Reinhard Schniewind, Company Development Munich.

"Market Shifts − Finding Answers and Setting Trends with the Help of Intuition"
Reacting appropriately when rapid responses are necessary. Initiate changes before they become necessary. Perceiving trends prior to the moment when they are visible on the market. Finding successful originality where noone expects it. Smart concepts for times of suspense.